Prima Con Toda La Familia Salsa Casino


corrected and amended for guidance in helping give some explanations to those who learn with us at
Suggestions and corrections gladly accepted. Call Milo 07932 658 861.
Date 24th October 2012

Rueda FigureLevelDescription
1Abajo1Closed dancing forward for man clockwise (backwards)
2Al Centro2Rock to and from the centre
3Al Corto Con La Bola3Enchufla quiere then man walks around the front of next woman and behind her and picks her up for dile que no
4Al Gado (Enchufla Y Muneca)3Guapea, Enchufla, half enchufla123, 456 mans right hand holding womans right forearm toturn out for dile que no.
5Americana3From al Centro woman moves to turn to centre
6Americano3From al Centro man moves to turn to centre
7Arco Iris (rainbow)4Setenta (123456), 123 unwind woman, 456 man in sweet heart position. 123 la Cruz. 456 Mans left hand up turns clockwise and woman clockwise.
8Arriba1Closed dancing forward for man anti-clockwise (forwards)
9Bayamo4Single sombrero. 456 around the man. 456 man turn anticlock-wise to woman right hand over head. Setenta to dile que no
10Bayamo pa Abajo4Single sombrero. 456 around the man. 123 left hand arm lock 456 come out. 123456 sombrero and hat. Dile que no.
11Bayamo pa arriba4Single sombrero. 456 around the man. 123 man drop down and bring woman around. 123 2 hand copelia, then hat to dile que no
12Besito4Change hands both hands high clockwise 123. Man turn under left hand and right arm lock 456. 123 Mans L-hand over womans head to her L shoulder. 456 draw L-hand down behind back a fey a kiss. Turn away 123, 456 cascada out and sombrero to end.
13Candado3Like Kentucky but finish walking off with hands on mans neck. Then arriba to turn and face your partner
14Caracol3Man turns clockwise under left hand and Enchufla
15Cascada (Sombrero De Abajo)3Under and over
17Coca Cola3Shape like the coca cola bottle
18Copelia3Both turn back to back, woman does 3 turns. Man inside turn, outside turn, then Enchufla mentira.
19Cubanito3Enchufla change hands and dance in front the woman then change hands back for Enchufla
20Dame (Dame Una)1Change to next woman
21Dame Con Dos2With two claps on count 6
22Dame Con La Mano1Change with the hand
23Dame Con Tres2With three claps on count 6
24Dame Con Una1With one clap on count 6
25Dame Dos2Miss one woman got to following woman
26Dame Dos Con Dos2Miss on partner and change to next with 2 claps on 6th count
27Dame Y Una Arriba3Dame in opposite direction
28Dedo3change hands then clockwise turn for woman, then Enchufla, man out side turn, then Enchufla quiere
29Dile Que No1Open to Guapea
30Dile Que No Por A Fuera3From Guapea, dile que no. Now facing outside the Rueda
31Enchufla con vuelta3Enchufla, 456 man outside turn. Finish off draw woman across you.
32El Cubanito3Like El dos but back to Enchufla
33El Dos3Enchufla change hands and dance in front the woman then change hands back to do sombrero
34El Tres3Start as el uno, then over her head 123, 456 man in front then el dos
35El Uno3Similar el dos, but woman in front
36Enchufla2Anti-clockwise turn to woman 123 and change to next woman
37Enchufla A La Familia2Link arms then change
38Enchufla complicado3Enchufla woman 123, Enchufla man 456. Enchufla
39Enchufla Con Clave3To the clave clap
40Enchufla con dos muvetes3Enchufla 123, 456 123 man clockwise twice and then quedate
41Enchufla Con Mambo3Mambo to next t partner
42Enchufla con mojito4Enchufla complicado, Enchufla doble, open with el uno 123, 456 man turns out clockwise under womans hand, Enchufla quedate
43Enchufla con sombrero3Two hand Enchufla, left hand over right hand to sombrero. Then sombrero in place 123456, then dile que no
44Enchufla con tres muvetes3Enchufla 123, 456 123 man clockwise thrice and then quedate
45Enchufla con Una muvete3Enchufla 123, 456 man clockwise and then quedate
46Enchufla Doble2Enchufla then stop the woman 456 and the Enchufla
47Enchufla Enfrente3Like Cubanito but change quicker
48Enchufla Mentira2Anti-clockwise turn to woman 123 and draw the woman to your right side.
49Enchufla Moderno4Check explanation
50Enchufla Para Arriba3Enchufla to the opposite direction
51Enchufla Por Al Centro3Enchufla and then coming to centre for a clap on 1, woman on 4
52Enchufla Quedate3Change hands and left hand to centre
53Enchufla Quedate Complicado4Change hands and left hand to centre. Then draw woman across the Centro, then tap 123, tap 456. Finish clockwise for woman
54Enchufla Quedate Con Mambo3To mambo steps
55Enchufla todo el mundo3Enchufla quedate but continue with woman all the way around the man then back to basic Guapea
56Enchufla Tomala3Enchufla and walk round with woman for a circle and then dame to next partner.
57Enchufla YSalute Complicado4
58Enchufla Y Cero3Enchufla then woman cero around man
59Enchufla Y Comb your hair3
60Enchufla Y Dos3Enchufla and hook your left arm and then right arm, to dile que no
61Enchufla Y Muneca4Enchufla and then el Gado.
62Enchufla Y Salute3
63Enchufla Y Uno3Enchufla and hook your right arm, to dile que no
64Enchufla y dos con vuelve3Enchufla 123, overlock right arm 456. Draw woman clockwise 123456123, 456 unlock right arm in clockwise turn. Enchufla mentira
65Enchufla A La Tomala3Moving like a spanner then change
66Enchufla en este lugar4Enchufla and return immediately to same woman
67Enrocate3Do Enchufla and closed dile que no to open again
68Escapade3Make a big ball and then undo it
69Espina (Asparina or Dile Que Si)2Clockwise from Guapea, then close for arriba
70Evelyn3Like prima but keep left hand low, clockwise turn for man to change hands then into the centre then draw woman across you.
71Exhibela2Show her off
72Festival3any move three times with claps 1,2,3 on first step. Can be dame or Enchufla
73Festival De Pelota3Enchufla three times and clapping on 6 count for 1,2 and 3
74Festival de Pelota en este lugar4Enchufla and return immediately to same woman, clap on six step 1,2,3 times.
75Fly2Catch a fly ball on 1
76Guero (Spin)3Sweet heart to left shoulder one turn
77Guero Doble3Sweet heart to left shoulder both turn
78Havana4Like Kentucky but finish man outside turn and Setenta y uno
79Hola1Touch the person behind
80Jardin4Enchufla then change hand to right. Man go under next couples joined hands. Dance Abajo. Then 123 take the joined womans hand walk pass her 456. Then Enchufla with her.
81Kentucky3Cuddle, then cuddle to neck, then over head man turn clockwise to finish with dile que no
82La Derecha3Man to right on one and woman to right on four
83La Izquidera3Man to left on one and woman to left on four
84La Roca3Pancake for man in, swing out 456, then under arm then Guapea
85La Trenza3Guapea, 123 man both hands turn woman anticlock wise, then 456 cuddle her. 123 come out 456 mans right hand over to left shoulder for dile que no.
86Lazo (Gwendolyn)3Two hand Enchufla, both mans hands high 123, 456 man turns under both hands clockwise. Finish for dile que no.
87Mariposa (Butterfly)4From Setenta 123, 456. 123 woman turns out 456 Man turns anticlockwise under own hand. Finish off Setenta complicado
88Mariposa (Via Enchufla)4
89Mariposa (Via Setenta)4
90Mark & Simone move4Single sombrero and then come out 123. 456 mans left hand turn woman anticlockwise. 123 place womans left hand over mans head on to his neck for dile que no 456.
91Marriage2man right arm in womans left, then swop to dile que no
92Media2Middle clap on 1
93Montana3Two hand not hat sombrero (123456). Anti clockwise 123 woman. 456 outside turn for man. Then sombrero y dile que no
94Ochenta Y Cuatro3
95Ochenta y Cuatro (other)3Montana 123 456, 123 456 (part not full) then quedate to draw woman
96Ochenta Y Cuatro Complicado4
97Ochenta Y Ocho3Setenta then back other way to start Setenta from behind
98Ocho Por Las Mujeres3front, back, front, side
99Ocho Por Los Hombres3back, front, back, side
100Pancake (or Siete) Con Coca Cola3Whip her in then 123, then spin her out 456
101Pancake por El Hombre3Man whips him in 123
102Pancake por La Mujer (Or Siete)3Whip her in (not literally!)
103Pancake por todo3Both man and woman
104Para ti Para mi2Clap to centre touch hands behindclap centre and touch hands in front.
105Pasela3Passing back and forth across her. Man out step across. Woman back cross step
106Pasela Enfrente3Closing and opening. Man forward on left on 1 and to the side on 4
107Pati Por Las Mujeres3
108Pati Por Los Hombres3
109Pelota loca3Enchufla , left stamp, clap, right stamp clap, left stamp, clap, clap, clap. Dame
110Photo2Pose for a photo
111Policia por las mujeres3
112Policia por los hombres3
113Prima Doble3Prima then torque then change
114Prima y hermana3Prima and Enchufla
115Prima, Adios2Draw woman and half turn to centre, then over the head to next woman
116Remolino (swirl)4Guapea. 123 man swops right hand behind her back for arm lock, 456 both turn out. End Enchufla con vuelta
117Rosalinda3Guapea, then 123 man right holding woman's left hand over his head to left shoulder. 456 left hand over head. 123 turn woman clockwise. 456 mans right hand over to left shoulder for dile que no.
118Sacala3Show her off with other hand
119Sambuca3Two handed Enchufla, two handed Sacala, dile que no
120Sambuca complicado4Two handed Enchufla, two handed Sacala and mans right hand around woman's neck, then dile que no
121Sesenta y nueve3As above ,then right hand to draw woman around man then cross centre to Guapea.
122Sesenta y Ocho3Change hands clockwise for woman123456, then anti 123 change grip to lead across centre to Guapea
123Setenta y Cuatro3Setenta and walk behind the woman 123456, then 123 mans right over his head to come and turn woman 456. Then Enchufla mentira
124Setenta y dos3Setenta and hook your left arm and thenright arm, to dile que no
125Setenta y tres3Setenta and hook your right armpit. Come out from below. Then Enchufla mentira
127Setenta complicado (Derecha)3
128Setenta complicado (Izquierda)3
129Setenta y cinco3Setenta then draw woman around man to cross in centre
130Setenta y Ronda3Setenta 123456123, 456 mans right hand turn the woman clockwise. 123 left hand over 456 both hands over. Enchufla
131Setenta y uno3Setenta and hook your right arm, to dile que no
132Siete (Pancake) Con Coca Cola3
133Sombrerito (Roly)3Man turn woman both hands high clock for 6, then anti for 3, then Roly finish
134Sombrerito complicado (Roly Complicado)4finish with both turn and dile que no
135Sombrerito Y Dos (Roly 2)3Finish with sombrero
136Sombrerito Y Uno (Roly 1)3As above with a full turn in between Man turn woman both hands high clock for 6, then anti for 3, then Roly finish
137Sombrero2Change hands clockwise for woman to man right side
138Sombrero complicado3Sombrero then bring around you
139Sombrero con mambo3Sombrero then mambo steps
140Sombrero con quedate4Sombrero to mans right side 123456. 123 mans right hand over the top and under to take woman's right hand 123.456 turn woman in place and man turn clockwise. Quedate to end
141Sombrero con rumba3Man takes woman steps for rumba
142Sombrero doble (other)4Sombrero 123 456, sombreroto mans left side. Then single sombrero back to mans right side, dile que no
143Sombrero sabor4Sombrero to man's right 123456 and then to his left 123456 and then dame arriba with her
144Sombrero Sola3Mans right in a single sombrero
145Sombrero Sola Con Muvete3Sombrero Sola. 123 bring woman around man with right hand, then 456 bring woman across the centre to Guapea.
146Spider3Setenta complicado change hands, man goes behind woman 456. Comes out 123. Woman both hands together behind back and head down turns clockwise 456 to unwind. End as per normal
147Sweet Heart2Cuddle
148Televisión3Sombrero, 123456. Woman sits on mans right knee. 123456 , 123456 (change channels) and both have got up for dile que no.
149Treinta y tres4Weave in and out, men anti-clock, women clock
150Tumba de Francesca4count for passing evennumber of women, 2, 4, or 6
151Un tarro1Change partner. Man walking in closed position forward to next Lady
152Vacilala2Float the woman clockwise then pick her up
153Vacilala con la Mano2Float the woman clockwise with the hand to guide then pick her up
154Vacilala y cero3Clockwise then man cero around woman
155Valsero4Overclocked Sombrero
156Ventilador (fan)4Enchufla, 456 man swops womans right hand behind her back (for right hand armlock on her). 123 She turns out 456 man outside turn. 123 turn woman anti-clockwise, 456 man outside turn. Finish off draw woman across you.
157Yoghurt31, 2 Jump to partner
158Yoghurt el mundo2Expose behind 456

Adios con la hermana - adios 123, L's OT switch places 567,enchufela 123, 1/2 turn to CP 567, dile que no 123 567(same partner) adios con la familia aka Prima Con la Famili a (start with adios con la hermana. Enchufla con reulin Yogurt, Salsa Casino Prima con toda la familia (S. Evelyn - Salsa Video - Kezdő. El Dos - YouTube Una para arriba Dame Y No Le Llegues Enchufla Moderno. Zero EL OCHO 33 Pelota Loca Coca Cola 7 con cocacola 7 CON cocacola Abrazala Besito Intermedio I Salsa Ca. The Ruedastandard is a collection of classic figures in Cuban rueda de casino.Figures that you commonly need to know to join a social rueda. Click on the figure name for explanation and video of the figure, or on the headlines to see lists of figures by category. Pasos de Salsa Cubana 'Torniquete, Croqueta, Prima con toda la familia, Evelyn, El 1' - Duration: 1:14. Prima con toda la familia (Salsa Casino) - Duration: 0:58.

Prima con toda la familia salsa casino salamancaFamilia

Pa' al medio - Jockey step (touch step) 'to the center' (some do step-touch)
un flaco - Tighter circle (one bigger step to center on 1) 'a fat one'
un gorda - Looser circle (one bigger step to outside on 5) 'a skinny one'
saca al agua del pozo - Water from the well (dip to center on 1) 'take water from the well'
mas profundo - deeper
p'arriba - Go up (L forward, aka camina para delante aka tiempo de espana) 'upstream'
p'abajo - Go down (L backward, aka camina para atras) 'downstream'
tarro - New partner, guys go (L go under hand to next F) aka pegale un tarro 'pot'
dos tarros - Skip to new partner - guys go (L go to next 2nd F) aka pegale dos tarros
un tarro para las mujeres - from abajo movement, new partner, women go (F go to next L) 'taro by the women'
un tarro y mentira - Guys fake out (L under hand & return 2x8) 'tarro and lie'
tarro con mano - New partner guys, keep the hand (L goes under, but keeps partner #1 hand)
aka un tarro y no la sueltes aka tarro sin soltar 'tarro with the hand'
sueltela - Re-connect (CP with current partner) 'Get free'
muevete - Bigger steps 'move it'
una bulla - Yell (hey! 5) 'a rowdy noise'
slow bulla - Slow yell (start 5, rise to 'hey': 1)
suena la - Stomp (stomp 5) 'make a sound'
silencio - Silencio (shhh!:1)
TRANSITION(couples can easily dance independently once Dile Que No & Vuelta moves are mastered)
salsa -
standard 'on 1' salsa breaks: Leaders left front, right back. Followers: Right back, left front)
al centro - To the center (from contra step, turn for 1, Leaders & Followers dance respective salsa steps)
la flor - 'flower 'aka rosa , all break to center un-partererd, with arms like a blooming flower
una nueva - 'a new one (partner)' Peculiar to our elementary version, before we have learned guapea
from al centro, a cross body lead with the hands, resuming al centro.
VAR: nueva dos, nueva tres, nueva cuatro, etc.
una con una
- Clap once and give me one (clap:7, break step, dile que no) 'one with one'
una con dos - Clap 2x and give me one (clap:78, break step, dile que no) 'one with two'
una con tres - Clap 3x and give me one (clap:78 1, break step, dile que no) 'one with three')
dos con dos - Clap 2x:78 and give me a 2nd 'two with two'
dile que no dos - From closed position, 2 cross body leads with same partner returning to starting point
vuelta hombres - Leader's CW turn on 123
vuelta mujeres - Folower's CW turn on 567
VAR: vueta lánguida - Leaders's Turn: 16 counts, Follower's Turn: 12 counts (ending with strong '1:)
VAR: vuelta doble - double turn, each 1/2 is 4 counts
VAR: la luna - after vuelta, continue to go around partner in 8 counts (moon goes around the earth).
revolución: Caller: 'Que Queremos?' Response: 'Liberdád!' (with fist in air)
(repeat 3x, then caller says, 'Por lo tanto, revolución!'
With cries of 'Ay! Ay!' etc, couples break away into independent units dancing how they wish.
Eventually, Caller returns to Pa' al medio with cry of 'Juntos!'
When everyone has returned, caller begins again with new rueda calls.

Prima Con Toda La Familia Salsa Casino

Prima Con Toda La Familia Salsa Casino Buffet

contra - Contra step aka paso basico aka guapeando aka guapea 'elegant' )
leaders face downstream (CW), push breaks, L back left, forward right)
dile que no -
cross body lead to guapeando, (bring R partner to L) 'tell her no'
- aka dame otra, new partner 'give me (a new one)' aka dame uno, aka dame otra
dame dos - Give me a 2nd (L walks 123 to 2nd new partner, then dile que no)
dame con los manos - 3 new ones (dame with hand connection, 3 in a row)
una con una - Clap once and give me one (clap:7, break step, dile que no) 'one with one'
una con dos - Clap 2x and give me one (clap:78, break step, dile que no) 'one with two'
una con tres - Clap 3x and give me one (clap:78 1, break step, dile que no) 'one with three')
dos con dos - Clap 2x:78 and give me a 2nd 'two with two'
enchufela (AKA enchufle) - in the door (inside turn, L: back walk walk, walk 123 to partner #2, break, dile que no)
enchufela doble - swinging doors (IT, OT, IT, then as above, L's all back breaks on these)

Prima Con Toda La Familia Salsa Casino No Deposit

para abajo - 'Back & forth' (F on L's Right 123, to center (Right Outside Partner) 567 - L: Salsa breaks, F: back breaks
enchufela no te lleges - in the door and stay
(IT, OT with no partner switch to dame or para abajo) 'plug it'
enchufela complicado - enchufla, then rope turns (he goes, then she goes), end with dile que no (same partner)
tiempo espana - enchufle, then arriba patterns from 'STARTERS' section at top
adios - Half pivot (1/2 couples turn, dame) 'goodbye'
adios con la hermana - adios 123, L's OT switch places 567,enchufela 123,
1/2 turn to CP 567, dile que no 123 567(same partner)
adios con la familia aka Prima Con la Famili a(start with adios con la hermana ,
but link arms on 567 instead of bring her to L'
s R side, then do-si-do123 567 to dame 'goodbye with the family'
foto - Photo (click & freeze:1, exit with 'dame')
ni pa ti ni pa me - Two hands clap
(hand claps new & prev. partner, center: 7&3, new partner:1, 1st partner:5)
fly - Fly ball (leader's turn CCW and all clap to next partner:1, as in pretending to catch a fly ball)
fly dos - 2 flies (2 claps to next partner:12) 'fly two'
chevaria - Twist (123, away, towards, away partner #1) 'fantastic'
pelota loca - from Al Centro( with push break guys, then girls)
12345678:stomp clap stomp clap stomp clap clap clap, then dame

sombrero - from guapea, SH to 2SH enchufela hands behind heads (like swing 'butterfly') then dile que no same partner