Helm Slot Kabel

Helm is a team, composed of more than 120 talented people dedicated to helping brand loyalty strengthen between our clients and their customers. No matter what responsibilities an individual has, each one is supported by and relies upon the strengths of everyone on the team. Helm CONNECT is cloud-based, redundant and fully securely hosted on Amazon Web Services, and designed to be future-proof. It’s available online, 24/7 from anywhere in the world – including disconnected access on your vessels.

What is Helm?

Manage Complexity

Charts describe even the most complex apps, provide repeatable application installation, and serve as a single point of authority.

Easy Updates

Take the pain out of updates with in-place upgrades and custom hooks.

Simple Sharing

Charts are easy to version, share, and host on public or private servers.



Use helm rollback to roll back to an older version of a release with ease.

Get Helm!

Install Helm with a package manager, or download a binary.

Once installed, unpack the helm binary and add it to your PATH and you are good to go! Check the docs for further installation and usage instructions.

Get Charts

Visit Artifact Hub to explore Helm charts from numerous public repositories.

Join the Community

More information about the Helm project, and how to contribute.

Helm Slot Kabel
Version: v3.5.0
Date: January 13th, 2021
Release Calendar
Upcoming Events
Watch this space...
Past Events
Feb 25th 2020 - Helm Security Webinar
Nov 18th 2019 - KubeCon North America
Sep 11th 2019 - Helm Summit 2019

A Special Interest Group for deploying and operating apps in Kubernetes.

Helm Slot Kabel

SIG-Apps is a Special Interest Group for deploying and operating apps in Kubernetes.

They meet each week to demo and discuss tools and projects. Community meetings are recorded and shared to YouTube.

Thursdays 9:30-10am (PT)

These meetings are open to all. Check the community repo for notes and details.

Helm Users
Discussion around using Helm, working with charts and solving common errors.
Helm Development
Topics regarding Helm development, ongoing PRs, releases, etc.
Discussion for users and contributors to Helm Charts.

Request access here to join the Kubernetes Slack team.

Helm always welcomes new contributions to the project!

Where to begin?

Helm is a big project with a lot of users and contributors. It can be a lot to take in!

We have a list of good first issues if you want to help but don't know where to start.

What do I do?

Before you contribute some code, please read our Contribution Guide. It goes over the processes around creating and reviewing pull requests.

Once you write some code, please sign your commits to ensure Helm adheres to the DCO agreement used by the CNCF.


Simple. Powerful. Flexible. Software for Marine Operations

Let’s be honest, most marine software is terrible. It’s expensive, hard to use and looks like it was built in the mid-90s. Your crew hate it, and it’s not a secure platform for your business’s future. Helm CONNECT is different.

Helm Slot Kabel

Easy to Use

We build for your crew and your users first, not your accountants. Helm CONNECT is designed to be simple to learn and easy to use without complex training and without hurting your eyes. Take it from us, Helm CONNECT may just be the first software system your crew will actually enjoy using.

Simple to Support

Helm CONNECT is cloud-based, redundant and fully securely hosted on Amazon Web Services, and designed to be future-proof. It’s available online, 24/7 from anywhere in the world – including disconnected access on your vessels. No servers or expensive hardware needed.

Quick to Implement

Gone are the days of spending months to set up the system. With Helm CONNECT, you’ll have the tools and experts to help you get up and running quickly.

Built to Integrate

Your data is the most powerful tool for improving your business. Helm CONNECT is designed to make that data available to all of your systems. Integrate Helm CONNECT with your systems, or export and analyze your data in PowerBI or other intelligence tools seamlessly through our APIs and web-hook engine.


Mitigate unplanned breakdowns and know what’s going on with your maintenance across your entire fleet.


Helm Slot Kabel Adapter

Stay compliant with all your audits and regulations.


Helm Slot Kabel Connector

Certifications, scheduling, and payroll made easy.

Helm Slot Kabel App

Helm slot kabel connector


Helm Slot Kabel Mobile

Improve your bottom line through better dispatch, improved utilization, and streamlined billing.